Studies show that simple everyday behaviors, i.e. one’s lifestyle, not only plays a significant role in promoting one’s psychological wellbeing but also prevents the development of mental disorders.
Looking at the timeline of evolution over the past 100 years or so, we haven’t really evolved much as organisms, but have undergone drastic changes in the way we live. Humans are primarily social animals with need for care and connection. We have biological, psychological and social needs. The changes brought about by the modern world has resulted in us being perpetually exposed to blue light (smartphone, tablet, TV’s, etc.), affecting our circadian rhythms (sleep cycle) developed over millions of years of evolution. This has altered our relationship with sleep, which is a primal biological need of humans.

Few other areas in which its influence can be seen are – real human connections being replaced by virtual connections, real food being replaced by ultra-processed instant food, regular movement being compensated for a rigorous workout, so on and so forth.
On the timeline of evolution, all these changes have taken place in a fraction of a second which has led to a lot of DIS-EASE - both physically and mentally. In most cases, it is due to the lack of our unmet primal human needs such as nourishment, sleep, touch, movement, care and connection, and lack of downtime.
This is not aimed against the modern society. Like everything, modern society has its pros and cons. By being aware of its impacts on us, we can make informed choices to meet our primal human needs which will not only result in an overall enriched life but also prevent us from DIS-EASE (Physical and Mental).
Photo Credit: Evolution of Stress
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