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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to some of the more common questions I’ve received. Read on to learn more about my services and what I’ve done to help my clients in pursuit of their goals. If you feel like you didn’t find the answer you were looking for, feel free to contact me for more information. I’m always happy to hear from people who are interested in counseling.

Who needs therapy?

This might sound unbelievable, but everyone does. The time at which one seeks therapy plays a crucial role. Let me explain the role of therapy: 


A functional person - this encompasses a huge portion of the population… A person who is educated holds a steady job, is encountered with everyday life stressors at a professional and personal level, and is able to manage on most days – in this case, coming to therapy is more preventive. For this person, therapy is one of the ways of taking care of one’s mental well-being and preventing chronic stress/burnout.


Mild to moderate stress: Here, the individual experiences everyday life stressors and experiences the highs and lows more intensely and feels helpless at times. In this case, therapy is the first line of treatment. Ex: traits of anxiety and traits of depression are effectively treated through cognitive behavior therapy and other therapies. 


Severe distress: The person can still be functional, but the intensity of struggles is handicapping at a mental level (loss of focus, poor memory, sleep issues). In this case, therapy is a supportive treatment role where medication is the primary method of treatment. 


NOTE: The professionals involved in the treatment process varies based on the intensity of stress experienced by the client. â€‹â€‹

Why are many people taking therapy in today’s world?

The modern society is highly demanding of humans. We live at a time where overworking is glorified, the goal is bigger than the individual’s well-being and most importantly, the idea of rest is frowned upon. These are but a few of the factors that makes everyday life stressful leading to more anxiety and depression. 

There are more people suffering from mild to moderate anxiety and depression. As one’s mental well-being is tossed around, there is an essential need for us to consciously seek Psychological therapy which takes both a preventive and treatment approach. WHO (World Health Organization) states India is the world’s most depressed country, and one in five Indians would suffer from depression at any given point in time.

How many sessions do I need to benefit from therapy?

On an average it takes anywhere between 8 to 12 sessions to observe positive changes (not achieve a goal). Factors such as readiness to change and the climate outside therapy would determine the number of sessions required for one to benefit from therapy.

What is it that a therapist offers that a friend or a loved one cannot?

Therapists are professionals trained to facilitate the process of gaining self-awareness in the client by intentionally listening, questioning and hypothesizing the client’s experiences in a non-judgmental way. The problem thus identified is treated by applying scientifically proven methods. Additionally, a therapist provides neutrality (lack of personal agenda), confidentiality, and a safe space for the client to talk about their internal emotional experience without the fear of being judged or misunderstood.

When do I need to go in for therapy?

It is important to seek help at the optimum time; therapy is not magic, and it takes time. So, seeking therapy before you are deep into a struggle can be more beneficial as it can help one overcome it easily.

Can I convince someone to go to therapy?

No, you can’t convince someone to go to therapy, but you can influence people by breaking the stigma associated with it. E.g. Going to therapy yourself, having open conversations about mental health, etc.

16, Cenotoph Road,
Rathna Nagar,
Chennai - 600018

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